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Mel Meow

Design & Illustration

Traffic safety educational game

Play (portuguese only)

An educational game designed and developed for the traffic safety contest of the Traffic Engineering Company of Sao Paulo, having been awarded 1st place in 2017.


The game’s concept was decided after researching about the topic of traffic accidents and its causes. The goal is to cause reflection on both choices and factors out of the driver’s control, and how those factors can influence bad outcomes in accidents.

Paper prototype

The initial concept was tested through a paper prototype. Learnings in this stage helped to inform decisions about game mechanics and UI.

Digital prototype

The digital prototype helped validate technical feasability and basic user interface. Placehold art was used at this stage.

Game mechanics

The game is inspired in classic board games, having the following mechanics:

  • Turn-based movement using dice
  • Events containing choices
  • Roulettes with varied risk rates depending on a few factors (being alcoholized, for example)

User interface

The game’s user interface is responsive and adapts to varied screen sizes. The game board is a giant rotating circle, which makes this easier to accomplish. Cards have limited width, which makes them easier to read when the screen is stretched.


Game assets were created from scratch, aiming for simplicity and a friendly feel. Some elements are taken from Sao Paulo’s cityscape.

Playtesting and delivery

Playtests conducted as the game was being developed provided useful feedback about the game’s UI and mechanics. Playtesters thought the game caused some reflection, which was the main goal of the project. After a few adjustments, the game was finished and submitted to the contest, where it was awarded 1st place.